Friday, 26 April 2013

The Slave Training of Wendy

 This is a cap I did for Wendygirl at the haven. I tried a new perspective, don't really know how well it turned out. Anyway, enjoy!

Days 1 - 9
 Days 15 - 20

Days 26 - 28

Days 31 - 36

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Mistress's New Doll

So, a cap made for someone on Deviantart about a guy into bondage gets tged and tied up in a latex nun costume. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

My Ex is my Mistress?

So, heres one I made for someone from the haven! It's about a guy who doesn't feel right with his life, but then gets a mistress who makes him hot and pretty. Enjoy!

Monday, 1 April 2013

Twin Photoshoot

Heres one I made for someone on Deviant art, hopefully they like it. Just a quick one about a guy being turned into a models twin that he lusts after. Enjoy!

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